District Branding

Purpose of Creating Branding Requirements. The purpose of branding is to create a consistent image of the Derry Area School District that establishes comradery, and school spirit.

Derry Area School District Mission Statement. The mission of the Derry Area School District is to develop responsible citizens and life-long learners who are prepared to adapt and succeed in a global society.

Vision Statement. All students of the Derry Area School District will become critical, creative and independent learners who experience high levels of individual achievement while becoming innovative problem solvers. All stakeholders, including educators and parents, will provide students a strong foundation and the highest quality instruction possible. Students will graduate from our school district as confident, productive and responsible citizens capable of realizing success in learning and life.

History of the Trojan Logo. The interconnected DA, full body Trojan, and Trojan head logos were created by Derry Area Alumni, Nathan Matrunik in 2015. Full of pride, Nathan created the three logos which would become the three main symbols of the Derry Area School District. Nathan also hand-painted the mural inside the high school gymnasium in 2016.
Presentation of School Name
Presentation of Derry Area Logo's 
Primary Colors and Codes
Use the following color codes to display the most accurate and consistent colors for your designs. 
Trojan Head Logo