High School Electives
Art -High School Electives
Courses are subject to changes in description and availability. Some material fees may also apply.
Visual Art
NOTE: In order to meet the State of Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards for the Arts and Humanities, all students must select at least one Arts and Humanities (Art, Vocal Music, and Instrumental Music) course (.5 credit or more) per their high school career as part of their elective requirement.
No prior high school art experience necessary
Art Explorations/Basic Design .5 Credit
This course will focus on design elements and principles. Studies of art history and contemporary art will be explored while creating a variety of two dimensional and three dimensional work.
Introduction to Arts and Crafts .5 Credit
This course is designed for students who like to work in many different artistic areas to discover interests and abilities for further study. Students learn the primary skills of many visual art processes as well as design and creative strategies. Most of the work produced in this class is intended for use as functional objects as well as works of art, and a variety of artistic media are used to develop artistic concepts
Drawing and Painting .5 Credit
This course offers students the opportunity to develop their drawing and painting skills while investigating a variety of drawing and painting media. Techniques in graphite, colored pencil, charcoal, conté crayon, pastel, and ink, will be explored, as well as extensive work in watercolor, acrylic, tempera, and mixed media.
Beyond introductory, but no prerequisites
Ceramics .5 Credit
Students will gain knowledge about the physical properties of ceramic materials through observation, experiments, and projects. They will increase their understanding of the possibilities and limitations of forming techniques, such as hand building and wheel throwing. Reasons for creating with clay will be explored as students develop their confidence and skills in ceramics production.
Sculpture .5 Credit
This course will be an exploration of new materials and techniques with an appreciation of sculptural three-dimensional forms. Historical and contemporary concepts ranging from representational figures to abstract forms are investigated. Some of the materials used may include clay, wood, metal, cloth, paper, and plaster. Students will be required to keep a sketchbook; hand drawing is required.
TAB (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) .5 Credit
TAB Art classrooms are working studios where students learn through authentic art-making. Control shifts from teacher to learner as students explore ideas and interests in art media of their choice. Different centers, or studios, are set up in the high school art classroom and students choose which centers to participate in for the day.
Prerequisite and instructor’s approval
Independent Study .5 Credit
Students with advanced art skills can request to work on projects of their own design to receive independent study credits. Projects can be self-designed to meet individualized goals based on student’s needs and interests. Art journals, or sketchbooks, will be used on a regular basis for the development of a personal artistic vision. Students express their ideas and understanding of their artwork in a written commentary that accompanies their body of work.