Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Dear Parents:

It is very exciting that our school district supports kindergarten as an integral part of a school program and provides every child the opportunity to attend full-day kindergarten.


This section of our website has been prepared by our kindergarten teachers, academic coaches, preschool partners and other consultants in order to provide you with information that is important to have before your children start on this wonderful and exciting adventure of attending school. 


The information and links on our site will give you many ideas on ways you can work with your children to help them grow academically and developmentally.  You should also know that reading to your children is one of the most important things you can do with them!


An excellent education is the most valuable and precious gift we can give our children.  Let’s work together to provide a quality education for all children coming to our district.




Mr. Dan Boring - Operations Principal

Mrs. Milissa McLain - Academic Principal